11 Dec Silent film comedy. Media library
Slava Polunin is a master clown legend, the creator of the famous Slava’s Snowshow and the creative laboratory “Moulin Jaune” (France). In the very childhood, Slava Polunin realized that he wanted to become a clown.
“I was eleven. I sobbed my heart out all night because my mother turned off the TV and wouldn’t let me finish Chaplin’s The Kid. But the next day I knew exactly what I wanted to do in life”.
Slava Polunin
For 50 years, Slava Polunin has been collecting books about clownery, pantomime, carnivals and holidays. The collection contains more than 10,000 most significant books from all over the world and 5,000 films in various media.
With the International Comedy Festival “FINC” in mind we will show a collection of books and films on silent comedy, as the Festival is dedicated to this topic in 2022.
Silent Comedy Media Collection
Feature and documentary films, books, posters from 1914 to 2022
English, French, Italian, German, Spanish Catalan, Russian, Romanian
Autobiographies, biographies, albums, bibliography, analytics, theory
Best 19 books about silent comedy

About the Library of the Academy of Fools

The Library of the Academy of Fools covers the entire history of clowning since the beginning of humans and gods. We’d like to draw your attention to the list of classification headings in the library. It shows how millennium after millennium clowns travel the world.
- Archaic clowns. Tricksters and shamans
- Antiquity. Mimes and clowns
- Middle Ages. Jesters and fools
- Renaissance. Commedia dell’arte
- Age of Enlightenment. Circus clowns
- Modern. Cabaret and music-hall clowns
- Movie clowns
- Postmodern. New clowns
- Clowns in life
- School of clowning
- Philosophy of laughter
- Carnivals and celebrations
- Pantomime and physical theatre
- Street theatre
How to get to the library?
We invite actors, directors and researchers to Slava Polunin’s library.
Send us an email and tell us about your project: mediatheque@moulinjaune.com
We will inform you in response when and how you can take a close look at the collection.
Address: Moulin Jaune. 1 Sente du Moulin Nicole, Crecy-la-Chapelle, France 77580