11 Déc Les films muets comiques, livres
Gag, grotesque, excentricité

- Gag. Guida alla comicità slapstick. Da Stanlio e Ollio ad Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo. Audino, 2019
- Balducci, Anthony. The Funny Parts: A History of Film Comedy Routines and Gags. McFarland, 2011
- Brandlmeier, Thomas. Filmkomiker: Die Errettung des Grotesken. FISCHER Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983
- D’Haeyere, Hilde. Dislexicon: Slapstick Humor, Funny Cinematography, and Very Special Effects. Merz, 2012
- Kozintsev, G.M. O rezhissure. O komicheskom, ekstsentricheskom i grotesknom iskusstve. Nash sovremennik Vilyam Shekspir. Planeta Muzyki, 2019
- Garin, Manuel. El gag visual. Ediciones Cátedra, 2014
- Mars, François. Le Gag. Cerf, 1964
- Pena, Fernando M. Gag la comedia en el cine. Editorial Biblos, 1991
- Suchy, Ondrej. Exkurze do kralovstvi grotesky. Premie kniznice kamarad, 1981
Slapstick, burlesque

- Cinéma : le genre comique. UNIVERSITÉ PAUL VALÉRY, 1997
- Le cinema burlesque americain 1912 – 1930. Institute pedagogiques, 1962
- Le burlesque: une aventure moderne. ArtPress, №24, 2003, 2004
- Slapstick. Betascript Publishers, 2010
- Charney, Maurice. Comedy High and Low: Introduction to the Experience of Comedy. Oxford University Press, 1978
- Chimet, Iordan. Comedia Burleska, 1967
- Clayton, Alex. The Body in Hollywood Slapstick. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2007
- Emmanuel, Dreux. Le cinéma burlesque: Ou la subversion par le geste. L’HARMATTAN, 2007
- Burke, Hilsabeck. Slapstick Camera, The: Hollywood and the Comedy of Self-Reference. SUNY Press, 2021
- Kral, Petr. Le burlesque ou morale de la tarte a la creme. Stock, 1984
- Kral, Petr. Les burlesques, ou parade des somnambules. Stock, 1986
- Massa, Steve. Slapstick Divas: The Women of Silent Comedy. BearManor Media, 2017
- Michaud, Philippe-Alain, Yann Beauvais, and Jean-Yves Jouannais. L’horreur comique : Esthétique du slapstick. Editions du Centre Pompidou, 2004
- Mongin, Olivier. Eclats de rire: Variations sur le corps comique : Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Jacques Tati, les Marx Brothers, Laurel et Hardy, Jerry Lewis, Louis …. Seuil, 2002
- Peacock, Louise. Slapstick and Comic Performance: Comedy and Pain. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
- Philippe, Tesse. Le Burlesque. CAH CINEMA, 2007
- Solomon, William. Slapstick Modernism: Chaplin to Kerouac to Iggy Pop. University of Illinois Press, 2016
- Trahair, Lisa. The Comedy of Philosophy: Sense and Nonsense in Early Cinematic Slapstick. SUNY Press, 2007
- Wagner, Kristen Anderson. Comic Venus: Women and Comedy in American Silent Film. Wayne State University Press, 2018
Histoire and théorie

- Dutton, Julian. Keeping Quiet: Visual Comedy in the Age of Sound. Chaplin Books, 2012
- de Forestier, Laurent Guido et Laurent. 1895 Revue de l’Association francaise de recherche sur l’histoire du cinema. 2010
- Giacovelli, Enrico. Parole de comique: Le cinéma comique américain. GREMESE, 2017
- Giacovelli, Enrico. Le silence est d’or: Le cinéma comique américain. Les folles années vingt et le triomphe du long métrage.. GREMESE, 2014
- Giacovelli,Enrico. Tartes à la crème et coups de pieds aux fesses: Le cinéma comique américain. Les années flamboyantes du court-métrage.. GREMESE, 2012
- Giesen, Rolf. Lachbomben. Die großen Filmkomiker. Vom Stummfilm bis zu den vierziger Jahren.. Heyne, 1995
- Hanisch. Über sie lach(t)en Millionen: Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Laurel & Hardy. Henschelverlag, Berlin, 1976
- Taibo, Paco Ignacio. La risa loca. Enciclopedia del cine comico, vol. 1, 2. Consejo Nacional de Cultura, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2005
- Kerr, Walter. The Silent Clowns.. Alfred A. Knopf, 1975
- Klepper, Robert K. Silent Films, 1877-1996: A Critical Guide to 646 Movies. McFarland & Company, 2005
- Lahue, Kalton C. Clown princes and court jesters. A. S. Barnes, 1970
- Lahue, Kalton C. World of Laughter The Motion Picture Comedy Short, 1910-1930
- MacCann, Richard Dyer. The Silent Comedians. Scarecrow Press, 1993
- Manchel, Frank. The Talking Clowns: From Laurel and Hardy to the Marx Brothers. Franklin Watts, 1976
- Merton, Paul. Silent Comedy. Random House UK, 2007
- Miller, Blair. American Silent Film Comedies: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Persons, Studios and Terminology. McFarland, 2008
- Mitchell, Glenn. A-Z of Silent Film Comedy: An Illustrated Companion. Batsford Ltd, 1999
- Pierre, Galante. Les rois du rire. Hachette, 1972
- Roots, James. 100 Essential Silent Film Comedies. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2017
- Trauberg, L. Mir naiznanku. Iskusstvo, 1984
Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin. Autobiographies, interviews
- Charlie Chaplin: Interviews. University Press of Mississippi, 2005.
- Chaplin, Charlie. Charles Chaplin my life in pictures. Grosset & Dunlap Publishers, 1975.
- Chaplin, Charlie. Charles Spenser Chaplin o sebe i svoem tvorchestve. Vol. 1, 2. Iskusstvo, 1990.
Charlie Chaplin. Music Hall, théâtre, mime
- Francis, David, and Raoul Sobel. Chaplin: Genesis of a Clown. Quartet Books, 1977.
- Kamin, Dan. Charlie Chaplin’s one-man show. Scarecrow Press, 1995.
- A.J, MARRIOT,. CHAPLIN – Stage by Stage. Marriot Publishing, 2019
- Anthony, Barry. Chaplin’s Music Hall: The Chaplins and Their Circle in the Limelight. I.B.Tauris, 2012

Charlie Chaplin. Albums
- Duncan, edited by Paul. The Charlie Chaplin Archives. Taschen, 2015.
- Haining, Peter. Legend of Charlie Chaplin. W.H. Allen / Virgin Books, 1982.
- Hanisch, Michael. Über ihn lach(t)en Millionen: Charlie Chaplin. Henschel, 1974.
- Bessy, Maurice. Charlie Chaplin. PYGMALION, 1997.
- Quigly, Isabel. Charlie Chaplin Early Comedies. Studio Vista Dutton Picturback, 1968.
- Robinson, David. Charlie Chaplin:The Art of Comedy. Gardners Books, 1996.
- Stourdzé, Sam. Chaplin et les images. NBC Editions, 2005.
- Stourdzé, Sam. Charles Chaplin. Combel Editorial, 2007.
- Vance,Jeffrey. Chaplin: Genius Of The Cinema. Brand: Harry N. Abrams, 2003.
- Г.А.Авенариус. Чарльз Спенсер Чаплин (очерк раннего периода творчества). Академия Наук СССР, 1960

Charlie Chaplin. La vie et films
- Asplund, Uno. Chaplin’s Films . David & Charles Newton Abbot, 1971
- Huff, Theodore. Charlie Chaplin. Arno Pr, 1976
- Pierre, Leprohon,. Charles Chaplin. Libr. Séguier, 1946
- Lyons, Timothy J. Charles Chaplin: A Guide to References and Resources. G. K. Hall, 1979
- Фильмы Чаплина: сценарии, записи. М.: Искусство, 1972
- Mitchell, Glenn. The Chaplin Encyclopedia. B T Batsford Ltd, 1997
- Parker, Tyler,. Chaplin: Last Of The Clowns. Vanguard Press, 1972.
- Кукаркин А.В.. Чарли Чаплин. М.: Искусство, 1988.
- Акройд, Питер. Чарли Чаплин. Kolibri, 2014.
- Вейсмен, Стефен. Чарли Чаплин: история великого комика немого кино. М:Эксмо, 2010.
- Соколов И.В. Чарли Чаплин: жизнь и творчество (очерк по истории американского кино). М:Госкиноиздат, 1938.
- Пулайль, Анри. Чарли Чаплин. Теакинопечать, 1928.
- Робинсон, Дэвид. Чарли Чаплин: жизнь и творчество. М:Радуга, 1990.
- Юткевич, С. М. Эйзенштейн, С. И. Чарльз Спенсер Чаплин . Госкиноиздат, 1945.
- Садуль, Жорж. Жизнь Чарли. М:Иностранная литература, 1955.
- Шкловский, Виктор. Чарли Чаплин. Ленинград: Атеней, 1925.
Buster Keaton

Buster Keaton. Biographies
- Rudi, Blesh,. Keaton. MacMillan Publishing Company, Year.
- Dardis, Tom. Keaton: the man who wouldn’t lie down. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1979.
- Keaton, Buster, and Charles Samuels. My Wonderful World Of Slapstick. Da Capo Press, 1982.
- Buster, KEATON,, and SAMUELS, Charles. La Mécanique du rire – Autobiographie d’un génie comique. CAPRICCI, 2014.
- L.Green, Joanna E.Ralf and Gary. Buster Keaton a bio-Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1995.
- Lellis, George Wead and George. The film career of Buster Keaton. 1977, Year.
- McPherson, Edward. Buster Keaton : Tempest in a Flat Hat. Newmarket Press, 2005.
- Meade, Marion. Buster Keaton: Cut to the chase. Harpercollins, 1995.
- David, Robinson,. Buster Keaton. Indiana University Press, Year.
- Sweeney, Kevin W. Buster Keaton: Interviews. University Press of Mississippi, 2007.
- Китон, Бастер и Самуэлс, Чарлз. Mой удивительный мир фарса. М: Радуга, 2002.

Buster Keaton. Films
- Benayoun, Robert. Le regard de Buster Keaton. Herscher, 1982.
- Carroll, Noël. Comedy Incarnate: Buster Keaton, Physical Humor, and Bodily Coping. Wiley-Blackwell, 2007.
- Buster Keaton. Seghers, 1973.
- Keaton, Eleanor, and Jeffrey Vance. Buster Keaton Remembered. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2001.
- Kline, Jim. The Complete Films of Buster Keaton. Citadel Pr, 1993.
- Knopf, Robert. The Theater and Cinema of Buster Keaton. Princeton University Press, 1999.
- Steve, Lambley. Forever Buster: The Films of Buster Keaton. Steve Lambley Information Design, 2020.
- Oldham, Gabriella. Keaton’s Silent Shorts: Beyond the Laughter. Southern Illinois University Press, 1996.
Laurel & Hardy

- Everson, William K. The Complete Films of Laurel and Hardy. Citadel Press, 1970.
- Gehring, Wes D. Laurel and Hardy: A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood, 1990.
- Guiles, Fred Lawrence. Stan: The Life of Stan Laurel. Stein & Day Pub, 1983.
- Lacourbe, Roland. Laurel et Hardy, ou, L’enfance de l’art. Seghers, 1989.
- McCabe, John. Laurel & Hardy. Excalibur Books, 1975.
- John, McCabe,. Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy. Grosset & Dunlap, 1966.
- Glenn, Mitchell,. The Laurel & Hardy Encyclopedia. Brand: Batsford, 2003.
- Skretvedt, Randy. Laurel and Hardy: The Magic Behind the Movies. Past Times Publishing Co,US, 2000.
- Jean, Tulard,. Quand Laurel rencontra Hardy: Naissance d’un mythe cinématographique. SPM LETTRAGE, 2013.
Harold Lloyd

- Cahn, William. Harold Lloyd’s world of comedy. George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1964
- D’Agostino, Annette M. The Harold Lloyd Encyclopedia. McFarland & Co Inc, 2010
- Tom, Dardis,. Harold Lloyd: The Man on the Clock. Brand: Viking Adult, 1983
- Lloyd, Annette D’Agostino. Harold Lloyd – Magic in a Pair of Horn-Rimmed Glasses. BearManor Media, 2015
- McCaffrey, Donald W. Three Classic Silent Screen Comedies Starring Harold Lloyd. Associated University Press, 1976
- Reilly, Adam. Harold Lloyd: The king of daredevil comedy. Macmillan, 1977
- Schickel, Richard. Harold Lloyd: The shape of laughter. New York Graphic Society, 1974
- Stout, Harold Lloyd;Wesley W. An American Comedy by Harold Lloyd. Dover Publications Inc., 1946
- Vance, Jeffrey, and Suzanne Lloyd. Harold Lloyd: Master Comedian. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2002
Harry Langdon

- Hayde, Michael, and Harter, Chuck. Little elf: a celebration of Harry Langdon. BearManor Media, 2012
- Neibaur, James L. The Silent Films of Harry Langdon. Scarecrow Press, 2012
- Oldham, Gabriella, and Mabel Langdon. Harry Langdon: King of Silent Comedy. University Press of Kentucky, 2017
- Rheuban, Joyce. Harry Langdon: The Comedian As Metleur-En-Scene. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Pr, 1983
- Schelly, William. Harry Langdon. The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1982
- Taibo, Francisco Ignacio. Harry Langdon: el mejor de todos, 1966.
Max Linder

- Maske und Kothurn. Max Linder. Böhlau, 2008.
- Stein, Haven Lisa. The Rise & Fall of Max Linder. BearManor Media, 2021.
- Linder, Maud. Max Linder était mon père. Flammarion, 1992.
- Mathiesen, Snorre Smári. MAX LINDER: Father of Film Comedy. BearManor Media, 2017.
- Maud, Linder. Les dieux du cinema muet. Atlas, 1998.
- Scarrone, Stefano Della Casa, Carlo. Max Linder: le roi du rire. citta di torino: assessorato per la Cultura.
Karl Valentin and others

- Deschner, Donald. The Films of W. C. Fields. Lyle Stuart, 1966
- Engberg, Maruerite. Fy & Bi. gyldendal, Denmark, 1980
- Gronenborn, Klaus. Karl Valentin, Filmpionier und Medienhandwerker. Henschel Verlag, 2007
- Hauke, Lange-Fuchs,. Pat und Patachon: Eine Dokumentation. Programm Roloff u. Seesslen
- Moscati, Camillo. Ridolini: il re della risata. Editoriale Lo Vecchio.
- Valentin, Karl. Karl Valentin. Volks- Sänger? DADAist?. Droemer Knaur, 1991
- Valentin, Karl, Michael Schulte, and Peter Syr. Karl Valentins Filme. Alle 29 Filme, 12 Fragmente, Texte, Filmographie.. Piper, 2000
- Wertheim, A. W. C. Fields from Burlesque and Vaudeville to Broadway: Becoming a Comedian. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Hal Roach, Keystone

- Hommage Hal Roach. Stiftung Deutshe kinemathek, 1992
- Lon, Davis,, and Davis, Debra. CHASE! A Tribute to the Keystone Cop. BearManor Media, 2020
- Fowler, Gene. Father Goose: The Story Of Mack Sennett. Covici-Friede, 1934
- Everson, William K. The Films of Hal Roach. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1971
- King, Rob. The Fun Factory: The Keystone Film Company and the Emergence of Mass Culture. University of California Press, 2008
- Lahue, Kalton C. Mack Sennett’s Keystone: The man, the myth, and the comedies. A. S. Barnes, 1971
- Lahue, Kalton C., and Terry Brewer. Kops and Custards: The Legend of Keystone Films. Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd), 1977
- Louvish, Simon. Keystone: The Life and Clowns of Mack Sennett. Faber and Faber, 2003
- Manago, Jim. The Vanished World of Robert Youngson. BearManor Media, 2018
- Sennett, Mack. King of Comedy. Mercury House, 1990
- Turconi, David. Special cinema Comique: Mack Sennett. Cinema d’aujourd’hui, 1961
- Turconi,Davide. Mack Sennett. Edizioni dell’Ateneo Roma, 1961
- Walker, Brent. Mack Sennett’s Fun Factory: A History and Filmography of His Studio and His Keystone and Mack Sennett Comedies, with Biographies of Players and Personnel. McFarland & Co Inc, 2009
- Ward, Richard Lewis. History of the Hal Roach Studios. Southern Illinois University Press, 2006
- Coy, Watson Jr.,. The Keystone Kid: Tales of Early Hollywood. Brand: Santa Monica Press, 2001