11 Déc Les films muets comiques, la médiathèque

The Golden Age of Comedy (Robert Youngson), 1957, 79 min.
When Comedy was King (Robert Youngson), 1960, 81 min.
Days of thrills and laughter (Robert Youngson), 1961, 92 min.
Thirty Years of Fun (Robert Youngson),1963, 85 min.
Comedy : A Serious Business (Brownlow & Gill), 9180, 49 min.
Slapstick, Too! (Eli Wallach), 2004, 76 min.
The Alloy Orchestra plays Slapstick Masters (The Alloy Orchestra), 2002, 87 min.
Sad Clowns (Turell & Killian), 1961, 26 min.
Charlie Chaplin

The Great Dictator, 1940, 125 min.
Court mètrages
A Night in the Show, 1915, 24 min.
Behind the Screen, 1916, 30 min.
How to make Movies, 1918, 16 min.
The Gentleman Tramp, 1976, 78 min.
Unknown Chaplin 1, 2, 3, 1983, 183 min.
Chaplin, His Life and Films, 1992, 60 min.
The Chaplin Puzzle, 1992, 98 min.
Les maîtres du regard. La naissance de Charlot (FR), 1995, 26 min.
“Legenden” Charlie Chaplin (DE), 2002, 44 min.
Charlie Chaplin, The Forgotten Years, 2003, 55 min.
Charlie Chaplin, His Life & Work, 2003, 90 min.
Hollywood Rivals. Chaplin vs Keaton, 2006, 51 min.
Silent Clowns – Episode 2 – Charlie Chaplin, 2006, 60 min.
Гении и Злодеи уходящей эпохи (Russian Documentary, approx. “Geniuses and Villains of a Bygone Era), 2008, 26 min.
La naissance de Charlot (French Documentary, English Version, The Birth of the Tramp), 2013, 52 min.
Le monde selon Chaplin (French Documentary), 2017, 29 min.
Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin, 2–3, 132 min.
Charlie Chaplin, The Life and Career, 1997, 87 min.
The Tramp and The Dictator, 2002, 56 min.
Charlie Chaplin, La Légende Du Siècle (French Documentary), 2011, 116 min.
Comedy Cocktail, 1951, 18 min.
The Emerging Chaplin, 1989, 28 min.
Charlie Chaplin, King of Slapstick I, II. 2012. 113 and 141 min.
Charlie Chaplin, Best Of. 66 min.
Buster Keaton
The Great Stone Face, 1968, 93 min
Biography Buster Keaton, 2004, 46 min.
The Best Silent Film Star, 12 min.
Невероятные трюки Бастера Китона (Russian Documentary – English version, The Incredible Stunts of Buster Keaton), 20 min.
Buster Keaton, à travers l’histoire du burlesque muet (French Documentary), 35 min.
Buster Keaton, A Hard Act to Follow – 1, 2, 3, 1987, 160 min.
Laurel § Hardy

Pack up Your Troubles, 1932, 68 min.
Court mètrages
The Battle of the Century, 1927, 19 min.
The Second Hundred Years, 1927, 20 min.
The Finishing Touch, 1928, 19 min.
You’re Darn Tootin’, 1928, 20 min.
Laurel and Hardy. Une histoire d’amour (French Documentary), 2011, 92 min.
Silent Clowns – Episode 3 – Laurel and Hardy , 2006, 60 min.
Laurel & Hardy at the Movies, 25 min.
The Further Perils of Laurel & Hardy, 1967, 99 min.
Laurel & Hardy – Highlights, 2002, 96 min.
The Best of Laurel and Hardy, 1968, 85 min.
Every film that Laurel & Hardy appeared in together. Part One : 1921 – 1931, 52 min.
Harold Lloyd

Harry Langdon

Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, 1926, 62 min.
Court mètrage
Harry Langdon: Lost and Found, 1997, 74 min.
Легенды мирового кино Гарри Лэнгдон (Russian Documentary, approx. “Legends of Movies, Harry Langdon”), 2016, 26 min.
Movie Legends – Harry Langdon, 6 min.
Max Linder

En compagnie de Max Linder, 1963, 88 min.
Легенды мирового кино Макс Линдер (Russian Documentary, approx. “Legends of Movies, Max Linder”), 2014, 26 min.
Mack Sennet

Silent Legend: The Mack Sennett Story, 2016, 48 min.
Мак Сеннет Легенды мирового кино (Russian Documentary, approx. “Legends of Movies, Mack Sennett”), 2016, 26 min.